Bare bones Nepal Dental Volunteering Project

This is a bare bones 7-day dental volunteering. (Option available for food/accommodation @ $80 per day/person). Thought-out the year beginning every Saturday. Min 3 sign ups required to take off.

Sample Itinerary for bare bones Nepal Dental Volunteering Placement:

Day 1: Orientation and Question & Answer Session about the Clinic

One the first day of the dental volunteer clinic program, the team leader – a local dentist – will give you a thorough orientation of the dental volunteer clinic project. The orientation starts with the introduction to the country – its culture, history, geography, politics, people, and related issues.

Then, you will be informed of everything that you need to know about the Nepal dental volunteer project – the goal and location of the clinic, who are the local people and what are their dental issues, the daily activities, your job responsibilities, health & safety rules in the clinic, where is your room, where to find food and transportation, what to do & what not to do, and finally an overall planning of how the clinic will be run.

During orientation, there will be a question and answer session and an explanation of the daily itinerary. The orientation will provide you with all the information you need to serve the local communities and have a great dental volunteer clinic experience.

If time allows, you will also visit the site of the clinic and meet the local people and leaders. Depending on the conditions, your experience on the medical clinic may even start on the first day.

Day 2-5: The Beginning of Your Nepal Dental Volunteer Experience

The next day, you will eat breakfast around 7 am and depart to start working on the project. You should arrive before 8 am, depending on your location and distance to the dental clinic.

8 – 9 am: set up dental clinic.

When you arrive in the clinic, first you will set up the clinic. You will make sure that everything is properly set to run the clinic effectively. The activities of setting up clinic can range from setting the registration desk, cleaning the clinic, placing tents, setting the checkup desk and many more.

9–3 pm: Beginning of tasks and dental checkups.

Your hands on dental volunteering work will start around 9 am when local people start to arrive at the clinic. The clinic will be set up in rural villages and communities, urban slum/impoverished areas, orphanages, public schools, old houses, local temples, cooperative union offices and local clubs. Prior to the start of the clinic, we will inform the local community. Therefore, it is expected that local people will start heading to the clinic after 8:30 am. These are the people who have been suffering from various dental problems. In the clinic, you will treat and advise these patients.

You will be extremely busy treating local people and helping in many activities of the clinic for 3 or 4 hours. Working with and for local people is a fantastic and life changing opportunity for you

12 – 1pm: break to rest and have lunch

3 pm: closing the clinic

The temporary dental clinic will close around 3 pm. After 3 pm, you will be transferred to your accommodation where you will have lunch and take a rest. During your free time, you can discuss what is on the table for next clinic day or explore the local area. The local staff will be available to help you at any time.

Day 6-7: Free Time

The clinic runs from Monday to Friday, so Saturday and Sunday will be free time. In your free time, you can explore the country, cities, local markets, meet local people, and visit major tourist attractions. We have been running dental volunteer clinic programs for the last six years, and we have assisted thousands of volunteers making the most of their weekend by providing them with travel information or helping them organizing short day trips. We will be glad to help you having a very good time, just let us know what you need.

Travel and Extended Stay

After joining a dental clinic for one or two weeks, you can extend your stay by joining other AGP Volunteer programs or just travel in the country. AGP Volunteer has a strong partnership with affordable and reputed partners that make it possible for you to join any trip you want.

This program starts again on the following week with a new set of volunteers.

Important notice: this is just a sample itinerary to give you a general idea of what is like to be in a bare bones Nepal dental clinic. As we operate in different communities, in different seasons and on different locations, the itinerary will change accordingly. A new customized itinerary will be available to you before your departure.